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  • Laptops

    Satellite Pro Laptops »

    Find support for the Satellite Pro line of laptops that offer a modern design, extensive features and seamless performance...

  • Laptops

    Tecra Laptops »

    Find support for the Tecra line of laptops that offer performance, speed, and style, in a design to meet durability standards...

  • Laptops

    Portege Laptops »

    Find support for the Portege line of laptops that boast great performance, relentless security, in a stylish, durable design...

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    All Products »

    Find support for all other Dynabook products. Including accessories, Thunderbolt Docks and legacy products...

  • Drivers & Software


    Download drivers, software patches, and other updates for your Dynabook product.

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  • Battery Replacement for all notebook


    Batteries on all Dynabook notebooks are replaceable, if your Notebook battery needs replacement either in warranty or out of warranty, Dynabook recommends taking it to an authorized provider for the battery to be replaced. Some notebooks have user replaceable batteries, please check your user manual to see if your notebook has a user replaceable battery. Batteries can be purchased from an authorized service provider.

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    Battery won’t charge? Panel lights dark? Our troubleshooting assistant can help you avoid a trip to the service center.

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