DVD playback: movies, games, apps -- general troubleshooting tips

Document ID: 98081141


Posted Date: 2004-08-06


Last Updated: 2007-05-30


Distribution: View Public Website


Applicable Models
Satellite All
Qosmio All
Portege All
Tecra All
Satellite Pro All



If a commercially-produced DVD title (a movie, game, application, or any other content type) does not play -- or does not play correctly -- from the DVD drive in a Toshiba notebook computer, try working through the following troubleshooting tips. Some are of the tips are very general, and some address specific problems.


These troubleshooting tips will help you make sure that your computer is correctly configured to play DVD movies. As you explore these suggestions, make sure that you are testing with a commercially-produced DVD movie, rather than one created on a DVD writer in a personal computer, since not all DVD-R and DVD-RW formats are compatible with all DVD drives.

G e n e r a l   D V D   t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g :

  • Verify that the DVD is correctly inserted in the drive. Make sure that the DVD is inserted label-side up.

  • Try cleaning the drive. A dirty drive can cause audio as well as video problems.

  • Verify that the computer recognizes the DVD drive. Double-click the My Computer icon on the Windows desktop. The DVD drive should appear in the list of drives.  If the DVD drive is not listed, and if the drive is removable, verify that it's completely inserted in the SelectBay, and verify that the latch for the SelectBay is in the locked position (generally toward the front of the computer).

  • Try playing the DVD movie elsewhere.  If the DVD you're trying to play won't play in a commercial DVD player, or in the DVD drive in another computer, the DVD itself is probably defective or damaged. If you suspect that this may be so, then try confirming this possibility by playing a different DVD movie in your computer's DVD drive.

  • Undo recent changes. If you have recently installed new software or new hardware, consider whether or not you were able to play DVD movies before these product were installed. If so, try un-installing the software, or, in the case of new hardware, remove or disconnect the device, and un-install any drivers provided with it. If Windows' System Restore feature is enabled, you may wish to use it to 'roll back' the state of Windows to a previous point in time, rather than manually un-installing individual drivers and applications. To do so, click Start, then Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and finally System Restore. Follow the directions in the System Restore window to undo all changes to Windows, back to a 'Restore Point' that corresponds to when DVD movies last played correctly.

  • Investigate error messages. If one or more error messages are being displayed, try searching the Toshiba Support site, and searching with a web-based search engine, like Google. Search for some possibly unique part of the text of the error message, verbatim (and within quotation marks) or search for individual words or numbers within the error message. When searching the Toshiba Support site, try selecting the option to also search the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

  • Try Media player and/or Intervideo WinDVD. To play a DVD movie with Media Player, it may be necessary to click Play, and then DVD. If you have an older version of Media Player, update it from www.microsoft.com/mediaplayer. If Windows Media Player doesn't play the DVD movie, try using the Intervideo WinDVD player software, which Toshiba has installed on some computer models.
       If Media Player doesn't play the DVD movie, even though Intervideo WinDVD does play it, Media Player may be lacking the software codec required to play the movie. You may be able to locate and install the required codec.
       If either Media Player or Intervideo WinDVD plays the DVD correctly, it demonstrates that the DVD drive and other hardware are working correctly.
       If one of the DVD player programs will not play the movie, and you are confident that the appropriate software codec is installed, try un-installing and reinstalling the DVD player program, or upgrading to a newer version of the player software.
  • Try other media files. Try playing movies or video clips that are stored on the computer's hard drive. To find them, click Start, then Search, then For Files or Folders. Click "Pictures, music, or video" in the "What do you want to search for?" menu. Check Video. Click Search. Windows will search for all video files on your hard drive, which may take several minutes. Once you see a list of the files found, double-click one or more to play them. If this fails, try opening one or more in Media Player. If you find that some files play correctly but others do not, you may need to un-install and reinstall one or more of the video codecs (which are generally software, with some exceptions). If none of the video files play correctly, try un-installing and reinstalling the display driver (available from the Toshiba Support website).

  • Run System File Checker. Running the Windows System File Checker will check the integrity of the Windows system files on your hard drive. To launch the System File Checker, click Start, then Run, and enter "SFC /scannow" in the Open field. Press Enter. Follow the instructions presented by the System File Checker. Afterwards, try playing the DVD movie again. If it still doesn't play correctly, try un-installing and reinstalling the DVD player app.  

T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g   s p e c i f i c   p r o b l e m s :

A blank screen appears while watching a DVD title. Follow these steps to disable the Shut-off Monitor feature in Display Properties:

    1. Right-click a blank area of the Windows desktop.
    2. Click Properties.
    3. Click the Screen Saver tab.
    4. Deselect Shut off Monitor.

The DVD player does not play DVD titles at all. All the buttons are inactive. Verify that correct drive letter is assigned to the DVD drive, as follows:

    1. Click the Option button on the DVD Player, the click Settings. The Player Setup dialog displays the General tab. Next to "DVD Drive", verify that the correct drive letter is assigned to your DVD drive.
    2. Click the arrow on the drop-down box, and select the correct drive letter.
    3. Click OK .

If you don't know the drive letter for the DVD drive, double-click My Computer icon on your desktop. The My computer window lists every drive installed on your computer and the drive letter assigned to it.

'E' is tgenerally the drive letter assigned to your DVD when your computer is shipped from the factory. The Set Default button on the General Tab changes the DVD drive letter to 'D'.

Jumping video lines appear around the DVD playback window. Change the display resolution, as follows:

    1. Click Start, point to Settings , then click Control Panel. The Control Panel window appears.
    2. Double-click the Display icon. The Display properties dialog box appears.
    3. Click the Settings tab.
    4. Next to the words Desktop Area, move the slider to a lower setting, such as 800x600 or 640x480.
    5. Click OK.

DVD titles, games or applications appear distorted. Having Stretch mode enabled when the video resolution is set to 640x480 or 800x600 can cause distortion. Disable Stretch mode, as follows:

    1. Select Display, then Properties.
    2. Click the Toshiba tab.
    3. Select DOS Text Mode Stretch.
    4. Select Disable.

The Windows screen saver starts during playback of a DVD title. Disable the screen saver, as follows:

    1. Click Start, point to Settings, then click Control Panel. The Control Panel window appears.
    2. Double-click the Display icon. The Display Properties dialog box appears.
    3. Click the Screen Saver tab. In the Screen Saver list, the current screen saver is highlighted.
    4. Click the down arrow at the right of the current screen saver name. A list of screen savers displays.
    5. Click and hold the up arrow by the list or move the slide to the top.
    6. Click (None).
    7. Click OK.

There's no sound from a surround sound receiver.Check for a loose or bad connection between the surround sound receiver and the notebook computer. If the connections are fine, you may need to check the Digital Audio Output settings for the DVD player:

Check the fiber optic cable:
- Hold one end of the cable next to a light source such as a lamp. Look at the other end of the cable. If the cable is not damaged, the end of the cable should be lit up.

CAUTION: To protect your eyes, avoid looking directly at the light beam emitted from the digital fiber optic port or from any fiber optic cables.

Check the digital output port on the computer:
- Begin playing a DVD video. Observe the digital output port on the back of your computer. If the Computer is functioning properly, a red light should appear through the port at all times.

Check the fiber optic cable connection to the computer:
- Connect the cable to the digital output port on the computer. Begin playing a DVD title. A red light should appear at the end of the fiber optic cable.

Verify the surround sound receiver is set to digital input or optical input respectively. Refer to your surround sound receiver's documentation for details.

Verify the Digital Output Settings on the DVD Player are set correctly, as follows:
    1. Click the Option button on the DVD Player, then click Settings. The Player Setup dialog displays the General tab.
    2. In the DVD Setting section, click the Property button. The Transform Filter Properties dialog appears.
    3. To listen to your DVD video through:
        - an AC-3 digital surround sound receiver, click AC-3/MPEG under Digital Audio Output.
        - a non-Dolby digital receiver, click PCM under Digital Audio Output.
    4. Click OK to apply your settings.

No video appears on an S-video or composite video display. Set the TV Output setting on the DVD Player to DVD Direct, as follows:

    1. Click the Option button on the DVD Player, then click Settings. The Player Setup dialog displays the General tab.
    2. In the DVD Setting section, click the Property button. The DVD Transform Filter Properties dialog appears.
    3. Click DVD Direct under TV Output to view the DVD title through an S-video or composite video device.
    4. Click OK to apply the settings.

"Program Error" or "VPM" error messages (Tecra 8000 Series)
The display drivers for your Tecra 8000 Series DVD may be installed incorrectly. To install the display drivers, insert the Application CD that shipped with the computer, and follow the on-screen instructions. Refer to the Toshiba Configuration Builder CD Instructions for complete details.

"Error RenderFile " error message
The driver support layer for the DVD Player may not be installed. To install the driver support layer, run the DVD Driver Disk Setup program from the Application CD that shipped with the computer,  following the on-screen instructions. Refer to the Toshiba Configuration Builder CD Instructions for complete details.

For help with troubleshooting common problems with CD and DVD drives in Toshiba computers, including player and creation software, see the following other Toshiba Support Bulletins:

98080788: Creating DVDs, general DVD information

98081144: Resources for troubleshooting DVD problems in Windows XP

98080136: DVD playback is uneven when computer is running from battery power

98081151: Creating DVDs with InterVideo WinDVD Creator

98080797: DVD Multi Drive - writing to CDs or to DVD-RAM

98081097: DVD formats, players, and drives -- general information

- km/wa

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