How do I enable or disable my touchpad?
- Document ID: 4009158
- Posted Date: 2016-06-21
- Distribution: View Public Website
- Resolution
How do I enable or disable my touchpad?
There are a few different ways to enable or disable your touchpad. The one that applies to your computer will depend on the model. Try the following methods:
Corner of touchpad
Double-tapping in the top-left corner of the touchpad on some models will disable or enable the touchpad. These models should have a small icon of a touchpad with a "no" symbol on that corner.
Function keys
Some laptop models use the function keys to enable or disable the touchpad. Press the function key that has a touchpad icon on it. It might be the F9 key or the F5 key that looks something like the key shown above. If you're unsure which key to use, you might want to try each of them. If that doesn't work, try holding the FN key at the same time.
Enable / disable button
Some models have a touchpad enable / disable button above the touchpad
. If you see this button on your model, try pressing it.
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