BIOS version 1.40 for Satellite NB10/NB10t/NB15/NB15t (PU141x)
- File: u141v140.exe
- Version: 1.40
- Posted Date: 2014-05-14
- Release Date: 2014-04-24
- Other Versions
- Package
- WinRAR self-extracting ZIP file includes both Windows-based and diskette based BIOS update installation options. See the included documentation for details.
- Description
- For CD-ROM BIOS updates in Windows 8 models: (1) Shut down the system while pressing the SHIFT key to completely power off. (2) Power on while pressing F2 to enter the BIOS Setup Menu. (3) Go to the Security tab and set the "Secure Boot" setting to "Disabled". (4) Go to the Advanced tab, enter "System Configuration" and set the Boot Mode to "CSM Boot" if the option is available. (5) Press F10 to save and exit. (6) Boot from the CD-ROM, type UBIOS at the prompt then press Enter.
- For CD-ROM BIOS updates in Windows 7 models: Boot from the CD-ROM, type UBIOS at the prompt then press Enter.
- For all updates: The BIOS update will force the computer to shut down or restart. Please make sure to save all work in progress before starting BIOS updates.
- Power on the computer if it is off.
- While the "TOSHIBA" logo is displayed, press the F2 function key to start BIOS Setup.
- Check the version of BIOS, press the F9 function key then Enter to load setup defaults.
- Restore the BIOS settings that were changed.
- Press the F10 function key then Enter to save settings and exit. The computer will automatically reboot.
Release Notes
Change History
- Version 1.40 - 2014-04-24
- Modified: Enabled CSM mode.
- Updated: VBIOS to 1013.
- Updated: AMI Kernal code to 5.009_VEB_1AREF019.
- Updated: Microcode M0C30678809, M023067880A, M0230673321.
- Updated: Intel RC code to 1.3.4.
- Updated: AMI Kernel code to 5.008_VEB_1AREF018a, and Intel RC code to 1.3.3.
- Updated: Microcode M0C30673320, M023067331E, M0230678808, M013067222B, M013067331E , M0130678806, M0C30678808.
- Updated: AMI GUI module.
- Fixed: When using wBBSTool.exe to load factory defaults, Secure Boot will be disabled.
- Updated: AMI Kernel and Intel RC codes.
- Updated: MicroCode.
- Fixed: Computer can be woken up from Sleep mode when the built-in LAN is disabled.
- Modified: Improved a camera lag issue.
- Fixed: Hibernation (S4) issues - unexpected resumes, or sometimes cannot hibernate.
- Updated: EC to V1.10.
- Updated: AMI GUI Module
- Modified: Removed a 200ms Lid delay.
- Fixed: Toshiba System Settings Boot Priority issue where putting the HDD last and rebooting still results in booting from the HDD.
- Modified: Made a change to the Battery-Off Function - When AC does not Exist , the Battery-off function should not work.
- Modified: Removed USB Legacy Emulation from Toshiba System Settings.
- Fixed: USB 3.0 abnormal behavior.
- Fixed: Computrace fails after enabling Secure Boot.
- Updated: AMI GUI Module.
- First production BIOS release for these models.
- Export Control and EULA
- Use of any software made available for download from this system constitutes your acceptance of the Export Control Terms and the terms in the Dynabook end-user license agreement both of which you can view before downloading any such software.