Toshiba Fingerprint Utility
- File: os2011333a_tc00...
- Version:
- Posted Date: 2011-11-07
- Release Date: 2011-11-07
- Other Versions
- Package
- WinZIP self-installing ZIP file. Can also be unZIPped using WinZip, PKUnZip or equivalent. Also supports silent installation. Click for silent/unattended installation instructions.
- Description
- This application enables computer/web site login using fingerprint biometric input, on applicable Toshiba computers configured with fingerprint sensors.
- Depending on the Toshiba Fingerprint Utility version and operating system, version or will be installed.
- If a previous version of the Toshiba Fingerprint Utility is not detected during installation, the driver update may not install.
Change point for V1.0.2.46/V1.0.3.46
- A new version of software for the Toshiba Finger Print Utility has been released and is available for download on the Toshiba Support website. This update eliminates a potential issue where data being saved with file encryption may in rare circumstances be lost or partially corrupted if the file size is an even multiple of 32 bytes. Though this issue is unlikely to occur during normal use of a Toshiba Notebook, the Toshiba Finger Print Utility should be updated to version V1.0.2.46 to ensure the best possible system reliability and data integrity.
Change from V1.0.2.46/V1.0.3.46 to V1.0.2.49/V1.0.3.49
- Improved behavior when multiple users enroll fingerprints.
Update Instructions
- Save the file to a convenient location such as the Windows Desktop.
- Save all work in progress and close open applications.
- On the Windows Desktop, double-click the downloaded file to start the installation.
- Click Start at the TOSHIBA Archive Extractor window.
- If a User Account Control message is displayed, click Yes.
- Restart the computer after the update completes.
Software Version Verification
- Start the TOSHIBA Fingerprint Utility.
- Click the i button at the bottom of the window and confirm the version.
- Export Control and EULA
- Use of any software made available for download from this system constitutes your acceptance of the Export Control Terms and the terms in the Dynabook end-user license agreement both of which you can view before downloading any such software.