Toshiba Modem Information and Driver Files/Upgrades

Document ID: 98050263


Posted Date: 1999-06-15


Last Updated: 1999-07-01


Distribution: View Public Website


Where can I find the modem driver for my Toshiba computer?

There are several locations and sources where Toshiba related modem
drivers may be found:

*  Master Disk Creator Utility
*  Bundled Backup Applications and Drivers CD-ROM
*  Toshiba website:
Various models differ on what sources are available.
NOTE: If your model is not listed, then a modem driver is either not
applicable to or available for your system. None of the Toshiba
internal built-in modems are hardware upgradeable. Only the Tecra
750 internal modem is software upgradeable from 33.6K to 56K.

Master Disk Creator utility(winmdc.exe) Applicable Models:
        Portege 300, 650, 660;
        Tecra 500, 510, 710, 720, 730, 740;
        INFINIA 7130, 7160, 7200
Backup Applications and Drivers CD-ROM(access cd-rom drive through
My Computer icon) Applicable Models:
        Satellite 22x, 25xx, 3xx, 40xx;
        Satellite Pro 44x, 46x, 470, 480, 490;
        Portege 320, 30xx, 70xx;
        Tecra 520, 530, 550, 750, 780, 8000;
        INFINIA 7161, 7201, 7202, 7230, 7231, 7260
Toshiba Website:
(Please refer to README file for installation and usage instructions.
Further detailed file decriptions are available on the website.)

Windows 95 Modem Driver version 1.2
Applicable Models: Satellite 32x, 33x

Windows 98 Modem Driver version 5.43B
Applicable Models: Satellite Pro 46x, 470

Windows 98 Modem Driver version 5.43B
Applicable Models: Portege 300, Satellite Pro 480, Tecra 520, 530

DOS TSR Modem Driver version 1.0
Applicable Models: INFINIA 7202, 7230

Windows 3.x/95 Modem Driver version 4.19D
Applicable Models: Tecra 500, 510, 710, 720, 730; Portege 650

Windows 98 Modem Driver 4.29B
Applicable Models: Portege 660, Tecra 500, 510, 730, 740

Windows NT 4.0 Modem Driver version 1.16
Applicable Models: Tecra 750

Windows 95 Modem Driver version 1.2
Applicable Models: INFINIA 7130, 7160, 7161, 7200, 7201

Windows 95 Modem Driver version 4.15
Applicable Models: INFINIA 7230, 7231

Windows 3.x/95 Modem Driver version 5.43B
Applicable Models: Satellite Pro 44x, 46x; Tecra 520, 530

Windows 95/98 Modem Driver version 5.28-RC4
Applicable Models: 4030, 4060, 4080

S4KMODEM.EXE(for use with the 3Com Noteworthy 56K PCMCIA card.)
Windows 95/98/NT Modem Driver version 1.0.04
Applicable Models: Portege 30xx, Satellite 25xx, 4000, 401x, 402x

Windows 95 Modem Driver version 4.10.1343.01
Applicable Models: Portege 7000, 7010, Satellite 253x, 254x, 4030,
  4060, 4080, Tecra 8000
Windows 3.x/95 Modem Driver version 4.35
Applicable Models: Tecra 510, 730, 740

Windows 95/98 Modem Driver version 5.28-RC5
Applicable Models: Portege 320, 70xx, Satellite 254x, Satellite Pro
  490, Tecra  550, 750, 780, 8000
Windows NT 4.0 Modem Driver version 5.28
Applicable Models: Portege 320, 70xx, Satellite 254x, 4030, 4060,
  4080, Satellite Pro 490, Tecrara 550, 750, 780, 8000
Windows 95 Modem Driver version 1.49
Applicable Models: Satellite 305, 310, 315

Windows NT 4.0 Modem Driver version 1.2
Applicable Models: Satellite 305, 310, 315, 32x, 33x

Support Bulletins:
The Toshiba Website provides many model and issue specific Support
Bulletins including these which are related to the modem/
installation/reinstallation instructions.
(Please note that these documents are model(s) specific.)

doc#    97050034,       (720 Modem Reconfiguration)
doc#    94000464,       (Configuration of Internal Modem)
doc#    98050114,       (Configuration of the 3COM PCMCIA 56K Modem
                          Model 3CXM056-BNW)
doc#    94000009,       (Internal Modem Reinstallation)
doc#    94000121,       (Reinstall/Install of Lucent 56K Modem)
doc#    94000318,       (Reinstalling All Modem Software 
                          (Sierra Only))
doc#    94000422,       (Reinstalling Modem Drivers on 710/720
                          under Win95 )
doc#    94000047,       (Setting up Win LT Modem to work in real
                          DOS mode)
Modem Matrix:
The following Matrix provides information on Toshiba Notebook
Internal Modems.
NOTE: Models which only are supported in Windows and *NOT* DOS are
considered winmodems.

Model #            Speed      Protocol      OS Supported
Satellite 22x      33.6       V.34, V.80    Win 95
Satellite 305/     56         Flex          Win 95/98
Satellite 33x      56         Flex          Win 95/98
Satellite 2505/    56         Flex, V.34    Win 95/98
Satellite 253x/    56         V.34, V.80,   Win 95/98, WinNT
  254x/4030/                  V.90
Satellite 4000/    56         Flex, V.34,   Win 95/98, WinNT
  401x/402x                   V.90
Satellite Pro 440/ 33.6       V.34, V.80    DOS/WFWG, Win95/98, WinNT
Satellite Pro 490  56         Flex, V.34,   Win 95/98, WinNT
Tecra 520/530      33.6       V.34, V.80    DOS/WFWG, Win95/98, WinNT
Tecra 550          56         Flex, V.34,   Win 95/98, WinNT
Tecra 500/510/     28.8       V.34, V.80    DOS/WFWG, Win95/98, WinNT
Tecra 740          33.6       V.34, V.80    DOS/WFWG, Win95/98, WinNT
Tecra 750/780      56         Flex,V.34,    Win 95/98, WinNT
Tecra 8000         56         V.34, V.80,   Win 95/98, WinNT
Portege 650        28.8       V.34, V.80    DOS/WFWG, Win95/98, WinNT
Portege 660        33.6       V.34, V.80    DOS/WFWG, Win95/98, WinNT
Portege 300        33.6       V.34, V.80    Win 95/98
Portege 320        56         Flex, V.34,   Win 95/98, WinNT
Portege 30xx       56         V.34, V.90    Win 95/98
Portege 70xx       56         Flex, V.34,   DOS/WFWG, Win95/98, WinNT
                              V.80, V.90
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