Setting up a UK keyboard configuration

Document ID: 95090005


Posted Date: 1998-05-01


Last Updated: 1998-05-01


Distribution: View Public Website


Configuring your Toshiba computer to use a UK (United Kingdom) Keyboard Configuration, in Windows 3.1x.

Note: If using Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT, click Start/Settings/Control Panel/Keyboard to configure the keyboard layout.

In Step 1 and Step 2 below, make the following changes to CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files using the MS-DOS editor.

Step 1, Modify CONFIG.SYS
Add the following lines at the end of the file:

rem ------------------------------------
rem Add ANSI.SYS to enable keyboard remapping for prompt $e
rem statements in AUTOEXEC.BAT
rem UK keyboard setup
device=c:\dos\display.sys con=(,,2)
rem ------------------------------------

When done, save CONFIG.SYS back to disk.

Step 2, Modify AUTOEXEC.BAT
Add the following lines at the end of the file:

rem ------------------------------
rem Keyboard settings for UK
mode con cp prepare=((850,437) C:\DOS\EGA.CPI)
mode con cp select=850
keyb uk,,c:\dos\keyboard.sys

rem "prompt $e[0;133;92p" below swaps F11 to "\"
prompt $e[0;133;92p

rem If you would rather use "#" character for "\"
rem use the following line instead, placing REM
rem before the previous prompt statement, remove REM below:
rem prompt $e[35;92p
rem ------------------------------

When done, save AUTOEXEC.BAT back to disk.

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